Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Resolutions...Are they worth it??

Every year I make a New Year's Resolution and yet every year's end, I find that I have not met them.  Is it because of a lack of commitment? Is it because of a lack of clarity in my resolutions?  I do not know but this year I am not going to make resolutions and instead, every month I am going to try something new.  What is it that I will be doing every month?  I don't know as of right now but that's half the fun!

In addition, there are several things I want to start to do more of which include, spending more one on one time with my eldest daughter who is turn 4 in a couple of months, cleaning my house more often, get my backyard cleaned up and ready before spring time so that my kids have an outdoor space to use, and try to spend more time connecting with my youngest sister.  I have an identical twin sister that I am really close with, but because of the 11 year age difference between my younger sister and I, and the fact that I moved out of my mom's house when I was 18, we never really got close and I regret that now.  We did things together when she was younger and she babysits my kids now.  We also talk every now and then, but I don't really "know" her like I know my twin.  I want us to have a better and stronger relationship, one that she deserves from me as her sister.  At times it almost seems like she was an only child (and I know she does feel that way sometimes) because of the situation she had with my mom, but I want her to know that I am here for her and will always be (which is not something I have with my mom).

Monday, December 28, 2015

New Year, New Habits!

Hi everyone!  My name is Rebecca and I am starting this blog as a way to hold myself accountable for the changes I wish to make in my life.  I wish to do the usual new years stuff such as loose weight, save money, etc. but this time will be different because I will be chronicling my life while I am doing it.  I once had a work out journal and found myself doing better (until I hurt myself and had to stop working out).  I am also a high school teacher and have found a lack of meaningful and helpful teacher blogs for high school science teachers, so I plan to incorporate that into this blog as well.  If at any point you stumble across this blog and find anything helpful then GREAT! If not then that is okay too.